在训练过程中,通常会给输出附加一个标量损失值——分类的一个典型例子是预测类概率的交叉熵损失。当使用这样的标量损失时,M = 1,然后通过执行(随机)梯度下降来学习参数,在此期间重复计算相对于θ的损失函数的梯度。因此,在训练期间计算标量输出值相对于网络参数的梯度是很常见的,并且所有常见的机器学习库都可以这样做,通常使用自动微分非常有效。
该矩阵告诉我们神经网络输入的local perturbations将如何影响输出。在某些情况下,这些信息可能很有价值。例如,在用于创造性任务的机器学习(ML)系统中,让系统为用户提供一些交互式反馈可以很方便,告诉他们修改每个输入维度将如何影响每个输出类。
让我们一起尝试使用Tensorflow。首先,我们需要一个示例网络来玩。在这里,我只对在测试时计算现有网络f的雅可比行列式感兴趣,所以我不专注于训练。假设我们有一个简单的网络[affine → ReLU → affine → softmax]。我们首先定义一些随机参数:
import numpy as np N = 500 # Input size H = 100 # Hidden layer size M = 10 # Output size w1 = np.random.randn(N, H) # first affine layer weights b1 = np.random.randn(H) # first affine layer bias w2 = np.random.randn(H, M) # second affine layer weights b2 = np.random.randn(M) # second affine layer bias
import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense sess = tf.InteractiveSession() sess.run(tf.initialize_all_variables()) model = tf.keras.Sequential() model.add(Dense(H, activation='relu', use_bias=True, input_dim=N)) model.add(Dense(O, activation='softmax', use_bias=True, input_dim=O)) model.get_layer(index=0).set_weights([w1, b1]) model.get_layer(index=1).set_weights([w2, b2])
现在让我们尝试计算这个神经网络模型的雅可比行列式。不幸的是,Tensorflow目前没有提供一种开箱即用的雅可比矩阵计算方法。方法tf.gradients(y,xs)为xs的每一个x都返回sum(dy / dx),在我们的例子中,是n维的矢量,不是我们想要的。然而,通过计算每个yi的梯度矢量,我们仍然可以计算出雅可比矩阵,并且将输出分组为矩阵:
def jacobian_tensorflow(x): jacobian_matrix = [] for m in range(M): # We iterate over the M elements of the output vector grad_func = tf.gradients(model.output[:, m], model.input) gradients = sess.run(grad_func, feed_dict={model.input: x.reshape((1, x.size))}) jacobian_matrix.append(gradients[0][0,:]) return np.array(jacobian_matrix)
def is_jacobian_correct(jacobian_fn, ffpass_fn): """ Check of the Jacobian using numerical differentiation """ x = np.random.random((N,)) epsilon = 1e-5 """ Check a few columns at random """ for idx in np.random.choice(N, 5, replace=False): x2 = x.copy() x2[idx] = epsilon num_jacobian = (ffpass_fn(x2) - ffpass_fn(x)) / epsilon computed_jacobian = jacobian_fn(x) if not all(abs(computed_jacobian[:, idx] - num_jacobian) < 1e-3): return False return True def ffpass_tf(x): """ The feedforward function of our neural net """ xr = x.reshape((1, x.size)) return model.predict(xr)[0] is_jacobian_correct(jacobian_tensorflow, ffpass_tf) >> True
tic = time.time() jacobian_tf = jacobian_tensorflow(x0, verbose=False) tac = time.time() print('It took %.3f s. to compute the Jacobian matrix' % (tac-tic)) >> It took 0.658 s. to compute the Jacobian matrix
用CPU需要大约650毫秒。650 ms对于这样的示例来说太慢了,特别是如果我们在测试时考虑到交互式使用,那么是否可以做得更好呢?
Autograd是一个非常好的Python库。要使用它,我们首先必须使用Autograd的封装Numpy 指定我们的前馈函数f:
import autograd.numpy as anp def ffpass_anp(x): a1 = anp.dot(x, w1) b1 # affine a1 = anp.maximum(0, a1) # ReLU a2 = anp.dot(a1, w2) b2 # affine exps = anp.exp(a2 - anp.max(a2)) # softmax out = exps / exps.sum() return out
out_anp = ffpass_anp(x0) out_keras = ffpass_tf(x0) np.allclose(out_anp, out_keras, 1e-4) >> True
from autograd import jacobian def jacobian_autograd(x): return jacobian(ffpass_anp)(x) is_jacobian_correct(jacobian_autograd, ffpass_np) >> True
%timeit jacobian_autograd(x0) >> 3.69 ms ± 135 µs
如果我们想要一个适当的Numpy实现,我们必须指定每个层的forward 和backward passes,以便自己实现backprop。下面的示例网络包含 – affine,ReLU和softmax。这里的层的实现是非常通用的。
基本上,backward pass现在传播包含每个网络输出的梯度的矩阵(或者,在一般情况下,张量),我们使用Numpy高效矢量化操作:
def affine_forward(x, w, b): """ Forward pass of an affine layer :param x: input of dimension (I, ) :param w: weights matrix of dimension (I, O) :param b: biais vector of dimension (O, ) :return output of dimension (O, ), and cache needed for backprop """ out = np.dot(x, w) b cache = (x, w) return out, cache def affine_backward(dout, cache): """ Backward pass for an affine layer. :param dout: Upstream Jacobian, of shape (M, O) :param cache: Tuple of: - x: Input data, of shape (I, ) - w: Weights, of shape (I, O) :return the jacobian matrix containing derivatives of the M neural network outputs with respect to this layer's inputs, evaluated at x, of shape (M, I) """ x, w = cache dx = np.dot(dout, w.T) return dx def relu_forward(x): """ Forward ReLU """ out = np.maximum(np.zeros(x.shape), x) cache = x return out, cache def relu_backward(dout, cache): """ Backward pass of ReLU :param dout: Upstream Jacobian :param cache: the cached input for this layer :return: the jacobian matrix containing derivatives of the M neural network outputs with respect to this layer's inputs, evaluated at x. """ x = cache dx = dout * np.where(x > 0, np.ones(x.shape), np.zeros(x.shape)) return dx def softmax_forward(x): """ Forward softmax """ exps = np.exp(x - np.max(x)) s = exps / exps.sum() return s, s def softmax_backward(dout, cache): """ Backward pass for softmax :param dout: Upstream Jacobian :param cache: contains the cache (in this case the output) for this layer """ s = cache ds = np.diag(s) - np.outer(s, s.T) dx = np.dot(dout, ds) return dx
现在我们已经定义了层,让我们在forward 和backward passes中使用它们:
def forward_backward(x): layer_to_cache = dict() # for each layer, we store the cache needed for backward pass # Forward pass a1, cache_a1 = affine_forward(x, w1, b1) r1, cache_r1 = relu_forward(a1) a2, cache_a2 = affine_forward(r1, w2, b2) out, cache_out = softmax_forward(a2) # backward pass dout = np.diag(np.ones(out.size, )) # the derivatives of each output w.r.t. each output. dout = softmax_backward(dout, cache_out) dout = affine_backward(dout, cache_a2) dout = relu_backward(dout, cache_r1) dx = affine_backward(dout, cache_a1) return out, dx
out_fb = forward_backward(x0)[0] out_tf = ffpass_tf(x0) np.allclose(out_fb, out_tf, 1e-4) >> True
is_jacobian_correct(lambda x: forward_backward(x)[1], ffpass_tf) >> True
%timeit forward_backward(x0) >> 115 µs ± 2.38 µs
在Autograd需要3.7 ms的情况下,我们现在只需要115μs。
我已经探索了几种可能的方法来计算雅可比矩阵,在CPU上使用Tensorflow,Autograd和Numpy。每种方法都有不同的优缺点。如果您已准备好指定层的forward 和backward passes,您可以直接使用Numpy获得更好性能 。