Children Should Help with the Housework孩子应该帮忙做家事 每日一读 来自零起点美语 00:00 24:01
孩子可以从做家事中学到许多技能,并对孩子的人格养成有所帮助,所以父母让孩子帮忙做家事才是明智之举。请写一篇约 120 至 150 个单词(words)的英文作文,文分两段,
第一段以 Helping out with the housework is something children should do because it teaches them many important skills. 开头;
第二段则以 Some parents may think they are doing their children a favor by not making them do household chores, but they are not helping them at all. 开头并加以发展。
1. 主题句引导写作(guided writing)必须使用所指定的主题句(topic sentence)作为段落的开头,以主题句开头后,接着以下段落所有的句子都必须支持这个主题的指示方向进行,也就是思路的发展要符合主题句,如此才不会离题。
2. 依据提示的主题句,第一段重点在于要说明孩子从做家事中可学到的技能,第二段则要说明做家事对孩子人格养成的影响。
第一段:说明孩子从做家事中可以学到的技能,写作重点在于 what,以 4 至 6 句说明孩子可以从做家事中学到什么技能,同时父母可以教导他们什么事情。
第二段:说明做家事对孩子人格养成的影响,写作重点在于 why 和 what,以 4 至 6 句列举如果没有帮忙做家事可能对孩子的人格养成造成的影响,最后强调父母让孩子做家事是聪明的选择。
利用 2 W (why + what)
第一段 a. What can children learn from doing housework?
b. What can parents teach their children through chores?
第二段 a. When parents do all the chores for their kids, why is this not helping them?
b. What other things are children not learning because they don’t do
household chores?
结论句 Therefore, it is wise for parents to have their children help with the housework.
第一段引导句:Helping out with the housework is something children should do because it teaches them many important skills.
a. Children can learn how to finish tasks.
b. Children will learn how to do chores properly from their parents.
c. Children also learn how to manage their time wisely.
d. Before children have finished their chores, they should not be allowed to do what they want to do so that they will finish their housework.
第二段引导句:Some parents may think they are doing their children a favor by not making them do household chores, but they are not helping them at all.
a. Children cannot learn to be independent if they don’t do household chores.
b. Children will not become responsible people in the future.
c. Children won’t appreciate the importance of hard work.
第二段结论句:Therefore, it is wise for parents to have their children help with the housework.
Helping out with the housework is something children should do because it teaches them many important skills. One thing children can learn from doing housework is how to do a task well. If they do their chores poorly, their parents can show them how to do a better job. Another skill children can learn is how to use time wisely. If they waste time, the housework doesn’t get done and they won’t get to do what they really want to do.
Some parents may think they are doing their children a favor by not making them do household chores, but they are not helping them at all. In fact, these parents are actually hurting their kids. This is because their children will have one less chance to learn to be independent, responsible adults. They might not learn the importance of hard work, either. Therefore, it is wise for parents to have their children help with the housework.