
昨天写了篇影评文章《四看阿甘正传 | 自由不是追求来的》,朋友们很喜欢,有老同事哥们儿专门应和,也写了一篇跟我分享,特转载如下。


周  晖

当前浏览器不支持播放音乐或语音,请在微信或其他浏览器中播放 I’m Forrest… Forrest Gump Alan Silvestri – Forrest Gump (Original Motion Picture Score) –>

电影中导演把阿甘的智商设定为低下,我理解这是我们东方文化里所说的“愚”和“拙”的一种表现形式,导演这么处理,只是便于被大家接受,也便于电影的叙事和情节的推进。其实,他的“愚”跟乔布斯的Stay Foolish的“愚”就是一回事,只是后者可能太抽象,可能一般人不太能立刻就理解到位。原谅我没有深入研究作者和导演的背景和他们对阿甘的处理心得,我的直觉是,导演对“愚”和“拙”的理解是穿越中西文化的,阿甘的“愚”,和乔布斯的stay foolish,和曾国藩奉为信条的“守拙”,并无二致,而阿甘的“愚”,因为导演对他的设定,表现出来则更加浑然天成。



人们常常说“不忘初心,方得始终”,还有说“无用之用,方是大用”,我觉得阿甘无疑就是这样一种境界,而在电影中导演也非常给力地诠释了这一点。最后,阿甘终于感动了珍妮,抱得美人归,同时事业丰收,购买的股票也大涨。当然,他没有忘记自己的承诺,把财富按照当初的约定分给了布巴的家人,并不因为布巴不在了就独占财富。在这里,我想要说的也很多很多……所以,林则徐才会告诫自己要“慎独”(大意是一个人在独立工作,无人监督,有做各种坏事的可能的时候,不做坏事); 所以,孟子才会说,“吾尝闻大勇于夫子矣。自反而不缩,虽褐宽博,吾不惴焉;自反而缩,虽千万人,吾往矣”(大意是,我曾经从人家那里听说大勇,就是反省自己觉得理亏,那么即使面对穿着粗布衣的普通百姓,我能不感到害怕吗;反省自己觉得合乎理义,纵然面对千万人,我也勇往直前)。这里孟子说的大勇,还要“自反”,就是反省,还要修炼,而我们的阿甘,“愚钝”根本就是自发的,不需要一丝丝的反省和思考,这样的勇敢,更加有力,这样的坚持,更加持久,这样的初心,也更加难忘!



选出电影中的两个画面,指出:How this screenshot relates to the story of the film, the target culture (America), and the themes you chose (150-250 words)
Screenshot Description 1

This scene of Forrest and Jenny holding each other in the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool is related to the theme Social organization. When Forrest was giving a speech at the 1971 May Day protest, Jenny, as a protestor, recognized him and called his name. Forrest pushed through the crowd and they happily held each other in the pool.

This scene was particularly dramatic because it carries a much deeper political connotation. Forrest was wearing his army uniform, and he was seen as a perfect representation of the US mainstream ideology: conservative, loyal, industrious, optimistic; on the other hand, Jenny was wearing hippie clothes. She was a typical rebel: did drugs, was promiscuous, and even joined the Black Panther. 

This scene symbolizes the reconciliation between the right and the left in the US. For long, the two groups have been trying to differentiate “us” from “them” through beliefs, behavior, discourse, etc., and there was great hostility between each other. (The May Day protest itself was a manifestation of such tension.) But when Forrest and Jenny could embrace, so would the two groups eventually.
Screenshot Description 2

This scene of Forrest breaking his leg braces is related to the theme Experiences. When Forrest was chased by some bullies on bikes, he was suddenly motivated by Jenny’s call “Run, Forrest, run!” and, despite being physically challenged, his talent was awakened and he ran like wind. 

This scene was the first turning point in Forrest’s life story. It symbolizes him breaking through his inborn imperfections that barred him from enjoying the same life as others. Forrest’s life was a life of fighting his limitations and making the best use of what he had, and that was the moment of his first breakthrough. It opened up all the miraculous opportunities to him—beginning from being discovered by the football team, that all gradually paved his way to a successful life.

On a broader perspective, this was a representation of the American values. A typical American story would tell how an ordinary, even inferior person, after struggles, discovers his talent, and finally achieving success.

