










哈特利(Hartley 2010)针对学位论文的摘要指出,常见的摘要有四种基本结构:(1)以五要素为纲领的结构,(2) 三段结构,(3)四段结构和(4)自由结构。实际上,期刊论文的摘要也可以是这四种基本结构之一。

(1) 以五要素为纲领的结构









有的期刊则对摘要的结构进行了规定。例如,期刊《Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education》就要求摘要分成目的、方法、发现(即结果)、不足/意义、实际应用和原创价值等几个部分。图1是该期刊上Mohamed等人(2020)的论文摘要。

图1 规定了结构的摘要资源分享:10份写得好的摘要===据Kibin网站介绍,苏珊·米内兹(Susan M. Inez 2017)是一名英语教授和写作能手,来自美国东北部。除了英语教育学士学位、写作硕士学位和教育硕士学位外,苏珊还拥有20年教授写作、专业写作、文学等课程的经验。她还担任了两年的校园写作中心的联合主任。她从各类期刊论文遴选出了10篇让人获益匪浅的摘要,除了给出摘要来源、摘要本身外,还对每篇摘要的优点给出了评价。详细信息见以下链接(如果链接丢失,可将本文末尾参考文献列表给出的原文拷到游览器搜索新的链接):https://www.kibin.com/essay-writing-blog/10-good-abstract-examples/



This study explored the pattern of video game usage and video game addiction among male college students and examined how video game addiction was related to expectations of college engagement, college grade point average (GPA), and on-campus drug and alcohol violations. Participants were 477 male, first year students at a liberal arts college. In the week before the start of classes, participants were given two surveys: one of expected college engagement, and the second of video game usage, including a measure of video game addiction. Results suggested that video game addiction is (a) negatively correlated with expected college engagement, (b) negatively correlated with college GPA, even when controlling for high school GPA, and (c) negatively correlated with drug and alcohol violations that occurred during the first year in college. Results are discussed in terms of implications for male students’ engagement and success in college, and in terms of the construct validity of video game addiction.









句型举例中, A代表作者, C代表特征,D代表领域或方向,E代表某个解释或定义, M代表方法,P代表问题, R代表原因,X代表现象、规律等,O代表其他。对应的小写字母则代表子类或细分,例如,d代表D中的细分方向。摘要举例取自Schwieterman等人的文章。1) 问题陈述常见句型Xis defined as E,and this problem is important for (or key issue in) D. Thoughmuchwork has been doneconcerning P, the relatedquestions about p arelittle addressed(or not considered, or not thoroughly considered).Understanding these questions isofprimary importance (orsignificant ) in d.Pisahotlystudiedtopicdue to the widespread recongnization of the importance of this problem in D. Unfortunaturely,the p of P is little addressed(or not considered) due to the lack of (or owing to or for reason of) R.pis an important component in P and plays a key role in d.R is the leading cause of X frequently observed in p.Misamong the most widely used methods andX is a well-known phenomenon characterized by C.The issue of p in Phas received considerable attentions because of its importance in D.pis an increasingly important issue inD.


The habitable zone (HZ) is commonly defined asthe range of distances from a host star within which liquid water,a key requirement for life, may exist on a planet’s surface. Substantially more CO2 than present in Earth’s modernatmosphere is required to maintain clement temperatures for most of the HZ, with several bars required at the outeredge. However, most complex aerobic life on Earth is limited by CO2 concentrations of just fractions of a bar. Atthe same time, most exoplanets in the traditional HZ reside in proximity to M dwarfs, which are more numerousthan Sun-like G dwarfs but are predicted to promote greater abundances of gases that can be toxic in theatmospheres of orbiting planets, such as carbon monoxide (CO).

可居住区(HZ)通常被定义为作为生命的一个关键要素的液态水可以存在于行星表面的离宿主恒星的距离范围。对于大多数可居住区,为了维持温和的温度,要求二氧化碳比地球现代大气中的二氧化碳多得多, 且在外边缘有几个巴的气压。然而,地球上最复杂的有氧生命受几分之一巴的二氧化碳浓度的限制。与此同时,位于传统宜居带的大多数系外行星都位于M矮星附近,这种矮星比类太阳的G矮星数量更多,但据预测这会使在轨行星大气中更富有一氧化碳等有毒气体。


Here we show (or demonstrtae)that X.This study aims to elucidate R of X observed in p.The main objective/goal/purpose of the paper/article istointroduce a M (or elucidateRorexplainthe cause of X).Here (or in this paper) we study (or address or consider) p (or X or M).p (or X or M)is considered in this paper.This paper is concerned withp(orX or M).The paper/articlediscusses (or deals with, analyses, considers, explains, describes, establishes a method for, aims on, offer a solution to)p(orX or M).This paperdevelops M (presents M, provides M,studies X, contains R, concentrates on R)This papergives (or aims to give ) a comprehensive account of R.This paper presents a novel M forRthat exists inp of P.


Here we show that the HZ for complex aerobiclife is likely limited relative to that for microbial life.



We usethe method Mfor pand this method has the properties ofC.Mis used in this paper.Systematic M (experiments or numerical simulation or case studies or surveysor theoretical analyses ) are performed withTo solve p (or to reveal X),a methodbased onm isproposed here and this method is capable of .Webuild MforX and this method is updated fromthe method of Athroughintroducing mto increase the accurary(orrobustness orparameter range).


We use a 1D radiative-convective climate and photochemicalmodels to circumscribe a Habitable Zone for Complex Life (HZCL) based on known toxicity limits for a range oforganisms as a proof of concept..


4) 结果常见句型

We find that for…

One of the important results is that x1, another one is that x2.

The resultsare X.

We obtain the results of or that X

It is demonstrated that R is the reason ofx.

According to this study, X.

Interestingly (orSurprisingly), Rwas shown (found) to have important impact on p.

The most striking observation from the data was

The most striking finding of this study was

The x1 and x2 are here found to be dependent on


We find that for CO2 tolerances of 0.01, 0.1, and 1 bar, the HZCL is only 21%,32%, and 50% as wide as the conventional HZ for a Sun-like star, and that CO concentrations may limit somecomplex life throughout the entire HZ of the coolest M dwarfs.



These results cast new light on (orhave important ramifications for) p.

The present study bridges the gap betweenp1 and p2.

The present study establishes a linkbetweenx1 and x2.

Thisstudycloses up a long debate aboutR.

The conclusion of this study is that

Theresultobtained by thisstudy can be used to(orappliedto)

Thisstudyopens up a new field (or issue) inP.

Thisstudy not onlysolves thechallenging problem of P but alsooffersamethod that can beused tosolve other problems such asp1 and p2.


These results cast new light on the likelydistribution of complex life in the universe and have important ramifications for the search for exoplanetbiosignatures and technosignatures..



HartleyJ 2010. Writing a structured abstract for the thesis,Psychology Teaching Review.16(1):98-100.

Koopman P.1997.How to Write an Abstract. Carnegie MellonUniversity.https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/essays/abstract.html

Ahmad Mohamed et al, 2020,Preparing for PhD: exploring doctoral students’preparation strategy,Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education,Vol. 11 No. 1,pp. 89-106


Susan M. Inez ,10 Good Abstract Examples That Will Kickstart Your Brain,April 5, 2017


撰文 | 学位论文写作工作组

排版 | 琳月

校对 | 白博士

