
open-source software files是什么意思

  • open-source software files是什么意思
  • 开放源代码软件 open: adj. 1.开着的,开放的;可进入的,可分享的 (to … source: n. 1.源头,水源,源泉。 2.根源,本源;来源。 3 … software: (电脑的)软件,软设备;程序设备;语言设备;程度系统;设 … 例句与用法1. The rise of open – source software is just one example在科技企业外围,一种新型企业兴起了。 2. First is the rise of open – source software首先是开源软件的崛起。 3. Open – source software that will let citizens find public information about their neighborhoods可以协助公民搜寻自家邻里的公共资讯的开源软体。 4. It has responded to the rise of open – source software with both accommodation and demonisation它对开源软件的回应既有一定的接纳又不放松对其的妖魔化。 5. " chinese input utility " software to facilitate open – source softwareusers to communicate in chinese effectively is available提供一套在linux平台上使用的中文输入工具软件6. Although open – source software is widely deployed by operators , few such oss bss integration solutions exist虽然运营商广泛部署了开源软件,但是其中却鲜有oss bss方面的集成方案。 7. Companies ranging from start – ups to giants like ibm commercialiseopen – source software by selling services that support it从名不见经传的小公司到ibm这样的巨头,都是其积极支持者。 8. Com掸讥侧客乇九岔循唱末panies ranging from start – ups to giants like ibm commercialiseopen – source software by selling services that support it从小公司一直到像ibm这样的业界巨擎都在经营开源软件业务,他们通过销售后期的软件支持服务赚取利润。 9. In fact , a growing number of service providers support open – source software in hong kong and around the world . they charge for their time事实上,在香港和世界各地已有越来越多的服务供应商,为开放源码软件提供收费的支援服务。 10. In fact , a growing number of ser……余下全文


  • beonsale是什么意思
  • be on sale英[bi: n seil]美[bi ɑn sel]释义销行;行销网络上市; 甩卖; 销行双语例句1Will the new product be on sale next month?这种产品在下月上市吗?2Alternatively, Amazon appears to be focusing on a product with superior content delivery; the company is leveraging its wide range of content assets available for sale in conjunction with its cloud services product for world class, mobile, digital delivery.而亚马逊似乎意在提供拥有优质内容的产品,它将自己可供出售的海量内容资本与云服务产品相结合,以提供世界一流的移动数字产品。


  • How long does delivery take to us and whats the largest quantity available to purchase
  • 发货到我们这要多久?最大采购量是多少?


  • Based on data available in the public sectors, a large quantity of drivers, including operational cash flow, firm size and sales growth, have been identified and tested.问题补充: 文章题目是 Working capital management: a review ofperformance measurement and its drivers
  • 驱动因素,驱使因素,产生因素。a factor which causes a particular phenomenon to happen or develop,也就是说导致这些现象发生的原因


  • 谁能告诉我这是什么意思啊?
  • 连接不到服务器.503是一种HTTP状态码。英文名503 Service Unavailable与404(404 Service Unavailable)是同属一种网页状态出错码。前者是服务器出错的一种返回状态,后者是网页程序没有相关的搜索结果后返回的一种状态,需要优化网站的时候通常需要制作404出错页以便网站整体优化。 出现503错误,其日志都是记录在%Systemroot%System32LogFilesHTTPERRhttperr1.log中。其中的s-reason项:1、若为AppShutdown,可能是由于CPU占用率太高导致自动关闭应用程序池。2、若为AppOffline,可能是由于应用程序标识出错引起的。3、若为Disabled,可能是由管理员手工关闭应用程序池引起的。4、若为QueueFull,可能是因为请求时应用程序池队列已满而生成该错误。

Youre not connected是什么意思

  • Youre not connected是什么意思
  • Youre not connected你没有(与…..)连接 双语例句1Offline Browsers Surf the Web even whe迹抚管幌攮呵归童害阔n youre not connected to the Internet! 网络冲浪既使当您没有连接到互联网! 2When you add a web page to your favorites list, you can also make it available to read when youre not connected to the internet. 将网页添加到收藏夹列表中时,您可以使其在未连接到internet时也可以阅读。

苹果5屏幕上显示not enough storage 是什么意思

  • 苹果5屏幕上显示not enough storage 是什么意思
  • not enough storage存储空间不足双语例句1There is not enough storage乏害催轿诎计挫袭旦陋 memory to create new Voice Note.没有足够的存储内存来创建新的声音附注。 2Not enough storage available: The local computer does not have enough space to download and store these shapes. 存储空间不足:本地计算机上没有足够的空间来下载和存储这些形状。


  • fourteenbrownpens是什么意思
  • fourteen brown pens十四棕色钢笔1Im fourteen years old. 我14岁。柯林斯例句库2From the six models in the series which became availablethroughout the years, the version in tortoiseshel讥粻罐救忒嚼闺楔酣盲l brown is one ofthe most sought-after vintage pens. 此后,此系列中的六种笔款在多年后仍获追捧,尤以棕色玳瑁纹古董笔最受欢迎。

为什么win7 64位安装TortoiseSVN 右键菜单中不显示

  • 为什么win7 64位安装TortoiseSVN 右键菜单中不显示
  • 64位win7安装了TortoiseSVN 后不显示在右键辅胆滇感鄄啡殿拾东浆菜单中,开始以为是版本低不支持Win7,查了下TortoiseSVN 的说明,发现FAQ中有这么一个问题:After installing, TortoiseSVN does not show up, no context menus are availableMake sure you have installed the x64 version of TortoiseSVN if youre using XP or Vista 64-bit. Since the explorer on those OS versions is a 64-bit application, it can not load the 32-bit version of TortoiseSVN.You can still keep the 32-bit version of TortoiseSVN installed on those OS versions though: it will show up in the 32-bit applications file-opensave dialogs of those applications.意思是说,64位的系统,其explorer也是64位的,不能加载32位的TortoiseSVN。应该是CPU的问题吧,同进程的两个不同模块,如果字长、寻址模式都不同,是有问题。根据这个,考虑进程的加载器是不是也是这样,如果要运行32位的程序,需要另外一个加载器?按照这个说法,换64位的TortoiseSVN,安装,一切正常。

regular business是什么意思

  • regular business是什么意思
  • regular business 固定业务,常业 ;In addition to regular business cycles, the 20% is kept available to allow LPAR processor growth for un害功愤嘉莅黄缝萎俯联planned load increases. 除了应对常规的业务周期之外,留出 20% 还可以让 LPAR 处理器在出现计划外负载增加时有增长空间。

