

  • 考试啊,急急急
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  • 英文影评–肖申克的救赎,为奴十二年,搏击俱乐部,记忆碎片。四选一(1000词以上,不要给我百度的,原创500财富)
  • 1000词?!!!!


  • 爱丽丝梦游仙境英文影评100字
  • 。。。


  • 500字左右急求 救命啊
  • 给你一篇本片的英文影评供参考,见附件。


  • 寻梦环游记简单的英文影评怎么写?简单
  • A 12-year-old boy named Miguel Rivera who is accidentally transported to the land of the dead, where he seeks the help of his musician great-great-grandfather to return him to his family among the living.故事讲述的是一个名叫Miguel Rivera的12岁男孩,他意外地被送到了亡灵的土地上,在那里,他寻求他高曾音乐家祖父的帮助,让他回到他原来的家中。Critics consensus 影评人怎乏辅催恍诎喝挫桶旦垃么说?Charming, stunning, and heart-wrenching in every movement, Coco has swiftly joined the ranks of Pixars finest.每一刻都令人陶醉, 极具吸引力, 打动人心, 相信这部影片会很快成为皮克斯的最佳创作。The movie is set against the backdrop of Día de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), the Mexican holiday when families gather to honor ancestors by building altars to them and decorating their grave sites. 影片的背景是墨西哥的亡灵节Día de los Muertos. 家人们聚集在一起,为纪念祖先而建造祭坛,并装饰他们的墓地。Pays tribute to Mexican culture with joyful, colorful Dia de los Muertos story:用欢快、富有色彩的亡灵节影片主题向墨西哥文化致敬。希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!


  • 外教课要求写的赤焰战场2的#英文影评##red2#!!!要求如上图!!大概按这个结构写TTUTT不是也可以!中学英语水平就行!翻墙去外网找几篇改改也行!发邮箱shineejzx163.com好人一生平安感激不尽 事成赏金不是问题TTOTT不急 六天之内都行 谢谢了
  • 赤焰战场2的英文影评已上传,摘自国外网站。下载附件,用记事本打开即可查看,可适当删减。


  • 不要写得太好,高中一年级的水平就行。要交作业了,急!
  • 您能提高点悬赏吗?

饥饿游戏1 故事情节30词 影评50词 要英文的。越快越好,急求啊

  • 好的加分!!!问题补充: 只要影评50词,好的加分,情节不用了
  • The Hunger Games shows us a story about a young ladys unfortunate experience. Compared with the original book, this movie just change some details, but it doesnt destroy the things the author wanted to express. And from this movie, we can learn many things. As the leading lady Jennifer Lawrence said, Katniss Everdeen just like Joan of Arc who was famous for leading people to revolution. This movie isnt just a love story, of course. It shows us that people living under cruel controls desire of freedom, as a result, somebody turns up and protests in his own way. Its a warn. Maybe our world is peace now, but we cant ignore our human nature. What this means is that we should pay attention to our social relationships and try to avoid unneccessary trouble.


  • 寻梦环游记简单的英文影评怎么写?简单
  • A 12-year-old boy named Miguel Rivera who is accidentally transported to the land of the dead, where he seeks the help of his musician great-great-grandfather to return him to his family among the living.故事讲述的是一个名叫Miguel Rivera的12岁男孩,他意外地被送到了亡灵的土地上,在那里,他寻求他高曾音乐家祖父的帮助,让他回到他原来的家中。Critics consensus 影评人怎乏辅催恍诎喝挫桶旦垃么说?Charming, stunning, and heart-wrenching in every movement, Coco has swiftly joined the ranks of Pixars finest.每一刻都令人陶醉, 极具吸引力, 打动人心, 相信这部影片会很快成为皮克斯的最佳创作。The movie is set against the backdrop of Día de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), the Mexican holiday when families gather to honor ancestors by building altars to them and decorating their grave sites. 影片的背景是墨西哥的亡灵节Día de los Muertos. 家人们聚集在一起,为纪念祖先而建造祭坛,并装饰他们的墓地。Pays tribute to Mexican culture with joyful, colorful Dia de los Muertos story:用欢快、富有色彩的亡灵节影片主题向墨西哥文化致敬。希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!


  • 电影《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)的影评最好是原创,中文的和英文的都可以,最好是英文的英文的要有70-100个词,中文的可能要多些现在网上都没有,搜不到快一点哦,我给悬赏,谢谢!
  • 你可以去豆瓣看看在翻译成英文。。。。movie.douban.com/subject/4202982/reviews

