

Here are some famous scenic spots in Beijing that you might like to visit:

1、The Forbidden City: This is a famous ancient palace complex that was built during the Ming Dynasty. It is one of the largest and most famous ancient buildings in China and is also a World Heritage Site.

2、The Great Wall: This is a famous historic fortification that runs along the northern edge of the city. It was built during the Ming and Qing dynasties to protect Beijing from invasions.

3、The Summer Palace: This is a famous imperial gardens and resort located in the Hai River Valley. It was built as a summer retreat for imperial family members during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

4、The Temple of Heaven: This is a famous religious building located in the center of Beijing. It is one of the largest and most famous religious buildings in China and is also a World Heritage Site.

5、The Summer Olympic Games: This is a famous international sports event that was held in Beijing for the first time in 2008. It was a great opportunity for China to showcase its culture and achievements to the world.

6、The Jingling Mausoleum: This is a famous陵墓complex that was built during the Tang Dynasty. It is one of the largest and most famous陵墓complexes in China and is also a World Heritage Site.

7、The Xi Shi Mausoleum: This is another famous陵墓complex that was built during the Tang Dynasty. It is located on the same site as the Jingling Mausoleum and is also a World Heritage Site.

8、The Summer Palace Museum: This is a museum located in the Summer Palace complex that contains many valuable cultural relics and historical items related to the Ming and Qing dynasties.

9、The Imperial Garden: This is another famous garden located in the center of Beijing. It was built as a royal garden for the emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties and contains many beautiful buildings and gardens.

10、The Tiananmen Square: This is a famous square located in the center of Beijing. It is one of the largest and most famous public squares in China and is also a World Heritage Site.


1 北京环球影城


2 天安门


3 故宫


4 天坛


5 颐和园


6 八达岭长城


7 恭王府与什刹海


8 圆明园


9 北海公园


10 南锣鼓巷








  • 我要去北京玩 计划先去天安门看升旗,然后去毛主席纪念堂,然后去军事博物馆和中央电视塔 顺便去一下中央电视塔下面的水族馆问一下然后去哪里玩啊 我不喜欢去故宫,天坛这一类的景点 圆明园和动物园我3月份也去过了请问一下北京还有哪里好玩的啊?最好别太远了 不要随便复制的 最好能给我最新的门票钱 谢谢了
  • 欢乐谷 香山 长城 都很好

准备4月底带着老人去北京,主要就想看看几个著名景点 希望给介绍推荐下比较方便的酒店和攻略

  • 北京南站下车, 有老人在不便劳累,希望能找个酒店比较靠近景点的,交通便捷的。
  • 就找附近的快捷酒店住就好,价格合理,条件也不错,,干净整洁也算。不要住小旅馆,安全卫生都没法保障。攻略的话,就是去故宫 北海 天坛 什么的大景点就好,不要找景点门口的导游,都不靠谱,如果要一日游的话要认准大旅社,别被骗~祝你旅游愉快~~