

“著名”的英文说法:famous 读法:英[‘fe?m?s] 美[‘fem?s] 释义:adj.著名的;极好的,非常令人满意的famousfor驰名 famousbrand名牌 FamousPersons风云人物例句:


2、Thewayhedidalotofprintsandyouknow,famous,likecelebritiesandpop,likebasicallythepopart。他的画,是很有名的,就像社会名流和流行音乐,基本上是流行艺术。扩展资料famous的近义词:noted 读法:英[‘n??t?d] 美[‘not?d] 释义:1、adj.显著的;附有乐谱的2、v.注意;记下(note的过去式和过去分词)短语:1、beingnoted被注意2、notedsights名胜3、NotedPad便条纸4、Notedthanks表示感谢5、closelynoted密切注意


1、台湾海峡( Taiwan Strait);

2、巴士海峡(Bashi Channel);

3、朝鲜海峡(Korea Strait );

4、鞑靼海峡(Strait of Tartary,Tatar Strait,Tartar Strait,Strait of Tartar);

5、保克海峡(Palk Strait);

6、马六甲海峡(Malacca Strait);

7、望加锡海峡(Makassar Strait);

8、托雷斯海峡(Torres Strait);

9、巴斯海峡(Bass Strait);

10、莫桑比克海峡(Mozambique Channel);

11、直布罗陀海峡(Estrecho de Gibraltar);

12、英吉利海峡(English Channel);


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  • 嗯嗯

英文名:Jason,别名:山野 著名音乐制作人、歌手、。 原名谢嘉恩,曾担任成都人民广播电台及

  • 英文名:Jason,别名:山野 著名音乐制作人、歌手、。 原名谢嘉恩,曾担任成都人民广播电台及四川人民广播电台主持人,2010年参加《梦想中国》进入四强。现为北京中沃艺星文化传媒有限公司创始人兼CEO。已先后为数十位艺人进行音乐创作、制作唱片,同时也为各类大型晚会及多部影视剧作品担纲音乐制作,在业内享有极高盛誉。中文名:谢嘉恩英文名:Jason国籍:中华人民共和国民族:汉族出生地:贵州省职业:音乐制作人、歌手毕业院校:四川师范大学经纪公司:北京天娱传媒有限公司代表作品:甜蜜的伤口、分开不一定分手、我的爱从四面八方攻击你等主要成就:2011年《梦想中国》男四强,2011年《星光大道》周冠军,2012年雪碧原创音乐榜年度新人奖,202013年华语音乐流行榜最佳唱片奖,华语音乐颁奖礼最受欢迎男艺人奖
  • 好牛呀!谢嘉恩l love you


  • I used to have a farm in Africa.

这场演讲会由著名教授john smith先生演讲英文

  • 筏掸摧赶诋非搓石掸将这场演讲会由著名教授john smith先生演讲The speech will be made by the famous professor Smith John.

随着重庆的发展,重庆已经跻身于全世界著名城市之一.某英文报举办"the changes in C

  • ngqing"为主题的征文活动,征集一篇有关重庆的英文短文
  • 高中英语还是初中英语?


  • 英文版,好的追加。。。
  • 您好!祝您成功!名大学的麻省理工大学教育理念: 1、 The essence of MIT is our appetite for problems-especially those big, intractable, complicated problems whose solutions make a permanent difference. While MIT is a research university committed to world-class inquiry in math, science, and engineering, we have equally distinguished programs in the architecture, the humanities, management, and the social sciences. A diverse, supportive campus environment-with an incredible range of student groups and athletic and fitness opportunities-ensures that its not all about the work. And in MITs intensely creative atmosphere, the arts flourish in all their forms. 2、 The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bring this knowledge to bear on the worlds great challenges. MIT is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community. We seek to develop in each member of the MIT community the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind. 3、 The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and preservin……余下全文


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  • 著名的作家A famous writer著名的作家Famous wri肌耿冠际攉宦圭为氦力ter著名的作家Famous writers