- 写的题材和内容需要跟铁路有关,历史、生活的都可以,写个什么主题呢?写什么立意?
- 你是需要用来做什么呢?
- 文章线索的分类 1、以人物为线索 2、 以事情孩敞粉缎莠等疯劝弗滑为线索 3、以物品为线索 4、以地点为线索 5、以时间为线索 6、以感情为线索 文章线索的作用 贯穿全文,使文章浑然一体,使结构完整严谨.这是明线,如果有暗线,是与明线共同贯穿全文
- 选最终适合的那个
考研英语作文求批改!! 文章主题创新,第一段简单初中词汇句子,后面两段如下,自己编的,感觉可以
- 考研英语作文求批改!!文章主题创新,第一段简单初中词汇句子,后面两段如下,自己编的,感觉可以套用很多人生哲理类文章,算不算用模板?大致能得几分?From the picture, we can conclude the painter wants to convey such a message: the innovation become more and more important. In our daily life, there will always be occasions when we are unable to solve the problem in traditional means and have to depend on our innovation. Under these circumstances, those who have innovative ideas will find creative solutions, enabling them to be more productive and successful. Innovation can also help make life more meaningful. It can yield a sense of satisfaction and pride, and add excitement to an otherwise mundane life.In the final analysis, I maintain that it is imperative for people to be innovation. We should cultivate peoples sense that innovation is one of the indispensable element of success. At the same time, innovation can boost our efficiency and add meaning to our lives, lets enjoy being innovation.
- 先说语法问题:the innovation become more (become加s或is becoming)we are unable to solve the problem(最好加个s)it is imperative for people to be innovation(改成innovative)is one of the indispensable element(最后加s)最后的那个innovation改成innovative文章确实一般,也不算太套用模版,但是不要太强求找一本书比在这里问要好很多,另外那些考研作文文章大部分都是在套用模版,你的见识不多可能看到一个句子觉得真好,但实际上可能已经是烂大街的。我的建议是,你在看一般的阅读理解的时候、完形填空的时候,就注意老外真实的用词。很多文章都比专门的作文要精彩的多,也很真实,从里面学的,就不会被认为是套模板。
- 急急急 忘大神们回答 要交作业 谢谢
- 你不如去淘宝上买一篇文章吧