指非传统能源,如煤炭、石油、核能类的产品。新能源,如果直接翻译成为英语,当然就是New Energy Resources,简写就是:NER。可是这种所谓新能源,是说传统能源会污染地球、破坏地球环境,所以一般的新能源,就是风力、水力发电等等环保能源,英文是Environmental Protection Resources,简写就是:EPR。这里可以不用Power这个词,因为Resources已经可以充分表达! 汽车的英文是Car,没有人会用缩写的。如果你说的是Limousine,它的简称是Limo而不是缩写。
新能源( NE):又称非常规能源。是指传统能源之外的各种能源形式。指刚开始开发利用或正在积极研究、有待推广的能源,如太阳能、地热能、风能、海洋能、生物质能和核聚变能等。
新能源一般是指在新技术基础上加以开发利用的可再生能源,包括太阳能、生物质能、风能、地热能、波浪能、洋流能和潮汐能,以及海洋表面与深层之间的热循环等;此外,还有氢能、沼气、酒精、甲醇等,而已经广泛利用的煤炭、石油、天然气、水能 等能源,称为常规能源。随着常规能源的有限性以及环境问题的日益突出,以环保和可再生为特质的新能源越来越得到各国的重视。
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- 新能源汽车new energy vehicles
- 最好有翻译对照简单一点两分钟左右就可
- With the arrival of twenty-first Century, like natural resources and oil, coal and other non renewable and can provide energy for less. Scientists are developing new energy can be long-term use.This excellent new solar energy inexhaustible, be inexhaustible, be regarded as energy. I was born in this is known as the "World Solar City" of Shandong City, Dezhou. Here is the widely application of solar energy and reasonable. Now the development of Dezhou solar energy industry has been more mature, more than 120 enterprises have solar. In September this year, Dezhou will host the Fourth International Solar Cities congress.Solar energy, low carbon economy and environmental protection, new energy ideal. Solar energy can power generation, heating (water), and the solar water heater, solar street light, solar cars, solar products. When more and clean energy and low-carbon economy is attracting the attention, discovered in Dezhou can earn money, the original sun.Solar energy is widely used, because it is as long as the sun can power generation, heating, sun life there five billion years. The small one is 20 square meters of solar roof is equivalent to a 3 Watt generator, 1 years can be generating 3300 degrees.Solar energy has now begun to spread, low carbon, environmental protection, let us enjoy the sun bring us happiness.翻译:随着21世纪的到来,像石油、煤碳等不可再生而又能提供能量的自然资源越来越少。各国科学家正在开发可长期利用的新能源。太阳能这个优秀的新能源,被视为取之不尽、用之不竭的能源。而我就出生在这个被称为“世界太阳之城”的城市,山东德州。在这儿太阳能被应用的十分广泛和合理。如今德州太阳能产业的发展已……余下全文