- 最近广告中出现比较多 科比出场时穿着训练服,手放在嘴边。 谁等找见叫谁爸!
- 不好意思,找不到大图
- 我也不再年轻
这张图片中科比穿的是他的第几代 哪有卖
- 好像zk7,配色不怎么见到过
这件衣服哪里有的卖 图片2008 年的科比穿的很想买求解
- 这个可以是淘宝搜索一下
- 因为作业急需,跪求大神相助,全英文加图片的新闻!
- THE FOURTH QUARTERKobe Bryant confronts a long—and possibly painful—goodbye. BY BEN MCGRATH MARCH 31, 2014 PRINT MORE Subscribers can read the full version of this story by logging into our digital archive. Not a subscriber? Get immediate access to this story, along with a one-month free trial, by subscribing now. Or find out about other ways to read The New Yorker digitally. KEYWORDS KOBE BRYANT; SPORTS; BASKETBALL; ATHLETES; LOS ANGELES LAKERS; SHAQUILLE O’NEAL; INJURIES Kobe Bryant and a business associate have a running bet on the staying power of the pop stars Katy Perry and Justin Bieber. Bryant, who wears self-discipline like a badge, has long favored the more predictable Perry’s odds, and found in Bieber’s recent tabloid episodes hints of a looming implosion: talent spurned. As he and the associate walked into the dining room at the Four Seasons, in downtown Miami, in late January, the associate, a Belieber, mentioned that Bryant had been giving him a hard time about it for years. He seemed almost ready to concede. That morning, elsewhere in Miami, Bieber had been caught drag racing and booked for driving under the influence. Bryant was a child star, too. In 1996, fourteen years before LeBron James earned infamy by announcing, “I’m going to take my talents to South Beach,” young Kobe stroked his chin theatrically for the cameras in the gymnasium at Lower Merion High School, outside Philadelphia. “I’ve decided to skip college and take my talent t……余下全文
- 急、、 求原图 大点的
- 额太3 65454 热帖
- 和这个头像着装是一样的,不过脸是正面,这张是侧脸
- 欧诶,比穿的卫衣还在帽子,好像图瑞士W。
- 科比1996年选秀进入联盟之时,33号球衣是他的首选,但是湖人窢发促菏讵孤存酞担喀队的天皇巨星贾巴尔已经把这个号码穿到了退役,目前33号球衣悬挂在斯台普斯球馆的房顶。科比当时没有考虑24号球衣,他选择8号球衣有两个理由,第一当年他随父亲在意大利生活的时候,他穿的就是8号球衣;第二,他参加阿迪达斯“ABCD”训练营时他的编号是“143”,三个数字相加构成了“8”。
- 没错,的确是这位伟大的巨星。
- 背景好像科比和她前妻吧,谢谢了
- 个人观点: 请参考:sports.sohu.com/20120606/n344840420.shtml 希望对你有用!