一 分配 相关的近义词: 分派 分拨二 词语意思 【分配】:
②指定分摊;摊派:这次旅游的费用,由参加的人~。 所以,分配,分派两者互为近义词
- 广州有学英语专业的出来后从事教育事业分配的学校吗
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每天你分配多少时间来学习英语 翻译
- How much time do you spend learning English
- 一般不会,英语分数低本身报考英语系就比较困难。像有些好的大学明确要求英语成绩不低于120,也有些与英笭厂蒂断郦登垫券叮猾语相关专业要求不低于1。15
- distribute…over …把…配给到[分配到, 散布于]…distribute sth. to花础羔飞薏读割嫂公讥把某物分[配, 发]给…distribute sth. among把某物分[配, 发]给…
- Teaching arrangements or Teaching Hours
- 分值分配:完型填空10分,阅读理解40分,填句子或者是排顺序1粻袱纲惶蕺耗告同梗括0分,英译汉10分,小作文10分,大作文20分。时间分配大致是完型填空15分钟,阅读理解加填句子80分钟,英译汉15-20分钟,大小作文60分钟。可以根据自己的情况合理分配时间。每年最难的是英译汉,平均分大概只要3-4分。
- 第I卷I.Listening ComprehensionSection A short conversations*10Section B short passages*6Section C longer conversations*8II.Grammar and VocabularySection A 新题型 AB两篇*16(一空两格的话错一个算全错吗)Section B 十一选十*10III.Reading ComprehensionSection A 完型*15Section B 阅读理解ABC*12Section C 回答问题*4第II卷I.Translation*5II.Guided Writing急!!告诉我每大题和美小题的分值!!
- (听力:30)短对话:10×1=10;短文:6×2=12;长对话:8×1=8;(语法:25)单项选择题:16×1=16;十选九:9×1=9;(阅读:50)Cloze:15×1=15;阅读(选择):11×2=22;阅读(回答问题):4×2=8;6选5:5×1=5;翻译:3+4+4+4+5=20;写作:25;————-共150分
- 帮帮我!!!英语口语要用,不要太难
- Emily Mason and George Peters were good friends, though they sometimes fought over toys or quarreled (吵架) about what game they would play. As they grew older, they played together less. They almost stopped speaking to each other, not because they had disagreed with each other about anything, but just because they belonged to different groups. For one thing, Emily was developing into a very good student, while George was more interested in sports. Emily had begun to study French, and she liked French so much that she began to write short plays in French. She also liked television programmes, and for some reason, she enjoyed watching football games very much. Her mother used to say, "Emily, Ive never heard of a girl who likes football as much as you do." Mrs. Mason simply did not approve of (赞同) her daughters interest.While Emily was working on her French lessons or watching football games on TV, George was working for his father in his store after school. He liked selling things to people. Mr. Peters found George so helpful that he thought about offering him a higher pay.In fact, it was football that brought Emily and George back together. When George was going home one afternoon, he looked in the window of Emilys living-room and he saw that she was watching a football game on TV. He walked up and knocked at the door. Emily was surprised to see him, but she asked him to come in, and they watched the rest of the game together. Emily and George are good ……余下全文
合理地分配时间 英语
- 感觉reasonably properly approprietely wisely都不是最好的。。。一般英语怎么说?
- allocate of time reasonably