还有一些特定场景下的英文表述,例如海运的快递可以用ocean freight,国际空运则可以用air express。
长江大学 英语系收快递地址怎么写
- 哪区 街道办
- 写江东校区行
- 请求中文翻译英语,谢谢: 您的包裹,现在快递员正在派送中。我会马上打电话给这个快递员,催他尽快送到您处。
- Your parcel is on the way by courier service. I will immediately call the courier to expedite the delivery to you.
香港 英文地址怎么翻译成中文?(顺丰快递不支持英语地址)求解,非常感谢。
- Room S 13F Block D Kwong Sang Hong Building 188 Wanchai road Wanchai Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Room S S室13F Block D 13字楼D座 Kwong Sang Hong Building 广生行大厦188 Wanchai Road 湾仔道188号Wanchai 湾仔 Hong Kong 香港全个是:香港 湾仔 湾仔道 188号 广生行大厦 D座 13字楼 S室, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
急~求一篇英语投诉信,题目是投诉快递公司超时未发货 强调合同和时间
- RT
- 英文投诉信如下,供您参考 (最好根据自己的实际情况,可以考虑用谷歌翻译修正一下。Dear SirMadam,I recently bought something from your website and sent to a freight fowarder called XX-XX (此处填转运的英文名称) asking them to send to my relatives who are in China. But by now, the parcel still didnt arrive. During this period, I have sent many emails to them asking them to send asap, but without any positive feedback. I have a lot of friends who also used this forwarder; they have suffered the same problems. From the information I know, there might be hundreds or even thousands victims. I am afraid this company might be a cheater who is using US territory to cheat buyers property and money. I have written to BBB and other US agency who might help on this case. If there is still no help, I am going to report this crime. I am writing this email to you to inform about this dishonest and cheating behaviors, hoping you to block this forwarder to prevent them from further cheating. This forwarders full information is as below:(此处填这个无良转运的英文名称) (freight forwarder)2401 Ogletown Rd (suite number is different for identifying different buyer), Newark, Delaware, 19711.More buyers might write you emails about similar problems. Please block this address to prevent more cheating to happen. Thanks. 你的姓名拼音转过来的,如果有用,请给分,谢谢!
- 请翻译成英语谢谢
- 顾客拍了一个产品,因为快递的原因发不了货,想问她要直接退款还是等9月8号安排发货Customers who took a produc花笭羔蝗薏豪割通公坤t, because the courier reasons could not send the goods, ask her to direct a refund or wait for September 8th to arrange delivery
- express delivery
- 快递站Express Station 重点词汇快递express; express delivery; fast mail; express护姬篙肯蕻厩戈询恭墨age
- How to check the fast mail logistics?或How to check the express logistics?
- the phone number of TTK Express
- typecopy express sheet