发布于 2023-07-06 07:05
- 分类:文学园地
- 阅读(6)
1、 你告诉同学,在图书馆有时我们需要排队,应该用英语怎么说?
we have to wait in line in the library sometimes
2、 一些图书馆用英语怎么说
some libraries
3、 孩子们经常去在图书馆读书用英语怎么怎么说
The children often read books in the library.
4、 在图书馆用英语怎么说
在图书馆in the library更多释义[网络短语]在图书馆 In the Library;At the Library;At a library在去图书馆的路上 On the way to the library在图书馆前面 in front of the library
5、 小镇图书馆离我家一公里我通常走着去那儿用英语怎么说
翻译如下小镇图书馆离我家一公里涪缉帝垦郜旧佃驯顶沫我通常走着去那儿The town library is one kilometre away from my house and I usually walk there
6、 图书馆门禁用英语怎么说
图书馆门禁Library entrance guard 图书馆 [词典] library; bibliotheca; [例句]那个图书馆吸引了成千上万的学者和研究人员。The library attracts thousands of schol涪叮帝顾郜该佃双顶晶ars and researchers.
7、 我在图书馆碰巧遇见了李老师用英语怎么说
我在图书馆碰巧遇见了李老师I came across my teacher Mr.Ms Lee at the library.
8、 上周我去了图书馆,我读了一本科学书用英语翻译怎么说
Last week I went to the library and read a b氦袱份惶莓耗逢同抚括ook about science.
9、 他经常在图书馆里学习数学吗?用英语该怎么说
- 谢谢
- Does he often learn math in the library?
10、 他怎么去图书馆用英语怎么说
How 发紶篡咳诂纠磋穴单膜did he go to the library?How will he go to the library?