—–怠互糙就孬脚茬协长茅————-原文——————在你结婚的那一天我们就不可能了——————译文——————On your wedding day we would not have
6、 今天是2015年的最后一天英文翻译怎么说怎么写
today is the last day in 2015.
7、 这一天,有一位客人来我们家拜年,我和他介绍了家里的房间,一起来看看吧!的英文。
On this day, have a guest come to our home New Year, I and he introduced the home roo碃搐百诽知赌版涩保绩m, together and see it!
8、 一天我们在书店里的英文
One day we were in the bookstore.
9、 由于第一天晚上突然断电,第二天电脑不能启动,显示器提示英文 翻译回来是重新启动
10、 对,高考最后一天的祝福英文祝福!
I wish you successed in the university entrance exam.In my eyes,you are always the best no matter you win or l甫俯颠谎郯荷奠捅订拉ose.But I believe you can successed,so just do it.