我认为这部电影描述的并不是爱情,或者说不是传统意义上的爱情,更多描述的应该是青春期的悸动,以及少年时期一个男孩和一个女孩最为纯粹的感情。 女主拥有良好的品质,散发着人性的光辉。她对于自己喜爱的事物极力的去保护,面对别人的粗鲁的指责努力去改变,对于自己的叔叔更是展示出内心的关怀,就是这样一个女孩,对于男主的第一眼,怦然心动。 男主并不是什么完美的人,但是他的本质不坏,很多不合理的行为都是与女主有关的,因为他对于女主的第一眼是厌恶的。但是这样一个人,有些怯懦和欺骗的属性的一个人,慢慢的对女主怦然心动。 说实话我看的青春片不多,尤其是国产的。我看国产青春期一方面觉得拍的烂,千篇一律。另一方面却也有些嫉妒电影里面人的经历(别人的青春如此丰富多彩不留遗憾,自己。。。。),但是怦然心动不会给我这样的感觉,因为十二三岁某个阳光明媚的下午,我也曾对某人怦然心动!
The Douban score for this movie is 9.0. But in my heart, it’s a full score movie. It’s a wonderful pure love movie. In addition to the new love between Julie and Bryce, I think the family education of the two families shown in this film is also very meaningful. Julie’s family is very warm and loving. Julie’s father will have deep communication and communication with her.
After Julie’s beloved Wutong tree was cut, his father painted a picture for Julie himself. My parents always respect and love her. Their family is the kind of one that is neither humble nor overbearing and full of love in every corner. On the other hand, the Bryce family is not so harmonious. Bryce’s father always sneers at Julie’s family. He is not so polite when the two families have dinner together. After the dinner, he makes unreserved taunts at Julie’s two brothers.
In the movie, Bryce’s grandfather is a man with unique thoughts and soul. Invite Bryce to take a walk together and teach him the truth of “if you are a rainbow, you will know when you meet someone above”. The film is very beautiful and worth watching. PS: Julie’s father is played by handsome uncle Aidan Quinn, an excellent actor whom she likes and admires very much.